Call for more info:

Universal Alloy Corporation
(United States Headquarters)
180 Lamar Haley Parkway
Canton, GA 30114
PH: 770-479-7230

Universal Alloy Corporation
(European Headquarters)
Dumbravita 244 A
RO-0437145 Maramures
PH: 0040 262 202330

News and Updates

From time to time we’ll have good news to share, or simply information to convey - see below for the latest...

Universal Alloy Corporation Recieves Spirit's Supplier of the Year Award

UNIVERSAL ALLOY CORPORATION (UAC) has received the 2019 Spirit AeroSystems Strategic Supplier of the Year award. Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. chooses one supplier each year in which to present this exceptional award. Only the top performing suppliers are nominated based on a number of factors and it is the highest honor Spirit bestows on a supplier.  UAC was chosen because of overall excellence in performance. This distinguished award was presented at Spirit’s annual Supplier Recognition Event and banquet on Thursday, August 29th at the Hyatt Regency in Wichita, Kansas.

Romania New Facility Announcement

S.C. UNIVERSAL ALLOY CORPORATION EUROPE S.R.L., cu sediul în Dumbrăviţa, nr. 244A, judeţul Maramureş, titular al „Planului Urbanistic Zonal – Introducere în intravilan zonă de unităţi industriale” propus a fi realizat în oraşul Tăuţii Măgherăuş nr. CF 57206 Tăuţii Măgherăuş, CF 55107 Tăuţii Măgherăuş, anunţă publicul despre decizia Agenţiei pentru Protecţia Mediului Maramureş de emitere a avizului de mediu pentru plan. Varianta avizată a „Planului Urbanistic Zonal – Introducere în intravilan zonă de unităţi industriale” poate fi consultată la sediul S.C. UNIVERSAL ALLOY CORPORATION EUROPE S.R.L. în comuna Dumbrăviţa, nr. 244A, judeţul Maramureş, în zilele de luni-vineri între orele 900 – 1600.

Universal Alloy Corporation receives Boeing Excellence in Advocacy Award

April 18, 2017 – UNIVERSAL ALLOY CORPORATION (UAC) today announced that it has received a Boeing Excellence in Advocacy Award for 2016. The Boeing Company issues the award annually to recognize suppliers who have achieved superior performance in government outreach activities to help government policymakers better understand aerospace issues and promote legislation that support aerospace companies.

Boeing suppliers are uniquely qualified to speak on behalf of key business issues that strengthens awareness among community leaders, elected officials and decision-makers.

“We are honored to serve our largest customer in this regard. Boeing is a national treasure to the U.S. because of the role they play in the global aerospace market. Many UAC jobs exist today because the Boeing Company exists" said Chip Poth, CEO of Universal Alloy Corporation.

The influence of suppliers by engaging with policy makers can foster awareness that provides multiple benefits.

Our supplier network is one of Boeing’s greatest competitive advantages when it comes to advocating for our shared interests,” said Kent Fisher, Boeing’s leader for enterprise Supplier Management. “Suppliers like Universal Alloy Corporation represent a critical business voice to help decision makers understand the incredible impact that the aerospace industry has on their economies, employment and communities.

The Boeing Company and its supplier network encourage policy awareness in support of the aerospace industry and manufacturing businesses across the U.S.

For further information, please contact Rhonda Smith at (770) 479-7230.

UNIVERSAL ALLOY CORPORATION EUROPE SRL, - cu sediul în localitatea Dumbrăvița nr. 224A, județul Maramureș, titular al proiectului ”Alimentarea cu energie electrică a unei unități pentru producția de extruziuni grele din aluminiu Universal Alloy Corporation Europe SRL, loc. Medieșu Aurit, jud. Satu Mare”, propus pe teritoriul comunelor Apa și Medieșu Aurit din județul Satu Mare și a orașului Seini din județul Maramureș, anunță publicul interesat asupra luării deciziei etapei de încadrare de către Agenția pentru Protecția Mediului Satu Mare, în cadrul procedurii de evaluare a impactului asupra mediului, pentru proiectul menționat. Proiectul deciziei de încadrare și motivele care o fundamentează pot fi consultate la sediul Agenției pentru Protecția Mediului Satu Mare, din municipiul Satu Mare, str. Mircea cel Bătrân nr. 8/B, la următoarea adresă de internet: Publicul interesat poate înainta comentarii/observații la proiectul deciziei de încadrare în termen de 10 zile de la data publicării anunțului pe pagina de internet a autorității competente pentru protecția mediului.

UAC News Archives

Universal Alloy Corporation honored by Airbus for Exceptional Performance

Universal Alloy Corporation was selected by the Airbus Executive Committee to receive the prestigious Airbus BEST PERFORMER award.


Boeing Honors Universal Alloy Corporation for Exceptional Performance

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 16, 2015 – Boeing [NYSE: BA] presented Universal Alloy Corporation with a Supplier of the Year award April 15 for its exceptional performance and contributions to Boeing’s overall success during 2014.